Source: Wikipedia

2014: A Storyful Year

ByCarl Zimmer
December 26, 2014
2 min read

Thanks to everyone for sharing a year of science with me over the course of 2014. It was a year of frantic writing, as I tried (and failed) to keep up with all of the new research that expanded my appreciation of the natural world. In addition to blogging here, I wrote my weekly “Matter” columns for the New York Times, published a few longer pieces, and spent time in Second Edition World, revising a couple of my books. (Details to come in a few months.)

Looking over the year, I put together a list of the pieces I was most fond of (plus some radio work). If you’re looking for some reading (or listening) to fill the languorous spaces between gift-opening and holiday-meal-snarfing, check these out…

From the Loom:

What Slipped Disks Tell Us About 700 Million Years of Evolution

Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging

The Continuing Evolution of Genes (See also this TED-Ed video for which I wrote the script, based on some the research in this article.)

Seeing X Chromosomes in a New Light

From around the longform universe:

Secrets of the Brain (National Geographic, February)

Mindsuckers (National Geographic, November)

Why Do We Have Blood Types? (Mosaic, July 15)

The New Science of Evolutionary Forecasting (Quanta, July 14)

How Lives Became Long (the introduction to Rachel Sussman’s photography book, The Oldest Things in the World)

The spoken word:

Worth (Radiolab–I talked about putting a price tag on nature)

The Black Box (Radiolab–I talked about anesthesia and the mysteries of consciousness)

Translation (Radiolab–I talked about how we translate the messages in our genes into our biology)

Safety Carl Versus Gamera (Story Collider)

Darwin in the City (Harvard lecture)

My Guide to the Giant Sandworms of Dune (Studio 360)

Ebola and a Planet of Viruses (Radio Times on WHYY)


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